Mastadark Drostanolone Propionate is administered through deep intramuscular injection and is primarily used to stimulate growth. It provides excellent results when combined with Winstrol/Stanozolol, Trenbolone (allowing for a reduction in its dosage and, therefore, its side effects), Primobolan/Methenolone. It can also be combined with Dianabol or Anadrol, although the increased risk associated with the use of these anabolics should be considered. Additionally, Mastadark Drostanolone Propionate can be used as the sole substance in a cycle, but it's crucial to note that this can affect estradiol levels (a female sex hormone also present in men). If opting for a cycle exclusively with this compound, it should include a dose of 100 mg/week of testosterone along with doses of 500 to 700 mg weekly of Drostanolone Ester.
BENEFITS of Mastadark Drostanolone Propionate. Many people rate Drostanolone Ester as a "weak" steroid, but this is definitely not the case. Generally, the weakness lies in the dosages, not the product itself. For safe and reliable dosing, it can be adjusted between 300 and 400 mg weekly of Drostanolone Ester, alternating days to consume 100 mg per day. For women, the ideal amount would be about 100 mg every 4/5 days, according to testimonials from professional athletes who use Mastadark Drostanolone Propionate. However, some bodybuilders prefer to take more doses per week than indicated because Mastadark Drostanolone Propionate does not aromatize, even at high doses. Due to this, it is very unlikely that gynecomastia will develop. Another advantage of Drostanolone Ester is that it is not hepatotoxic to the liver and does not increase water retention, which usually occurs in the final stages of definition. Additionally, the fact that it does not cause water retention also prevents high blood pressure issues. TIPS Use a liver protector. Perform a complete blood analysis to determine readiness for therapy or a cycle with testosterone. Blood test results may vary after the cycle. Performing a post-cycle is essential. The duration in the body can extend from 3 to 5 months. Regularly monitor hormone levels. DO NOT USE FOR PROLONGED PERIODS.
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